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Bait Ul Maal is Giving Wheelchairs to Disabled Persons
Bait Ul Maal is Giving Wheelchairs to Disabled Persons. The government of Pakistan has taken many steps to help disabled people in various ways. Through Punjab Baitul Mal, the government of Pakistan has taken steps to help those people who are unable to walk.
The purpose of assisting is to bring positive changes in the lives of disabled people by assisting. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, it has decided to assist in the form of a large sum of money for the disabled.
The Punjab Treasury has announced that 30,000 will provided annually to disabled people. 60,000 rupees will provided annually to a family with two or more disabled persons. They will also provided with support equipment, including wheelchairs, white canes, and artificial limbs. Baitul Mal is an organization in Pakistan that continuously develops programs for the poor, deserving, unemployed, and disabled. These programs are made in the form of equipment or money.
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How Can Disabled Persons Qualify for Assistance
Following are the eligibility criteria for disabled persons who wish to get wheelchairs and annual assistance from Punjab Baitul-Mal.
- Only disabled people can benefit from this program of Punjab Baitul Mal.
- Persons with disabilities must have a valid National Identity Card with their address relevant to any city in Punjab.
- Their disability must recorded in the National Identity Card.
- Disabled persons residing outside Punjab are not eligible to benefit from this program.
- In case the disabled person is below 18 years of age,
- he must have his B form issued by NADRA.

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پنجاب بیت المال
حکومت پاکستان نے مختلف طریقوں سے معذور افراد کی مدد کے لیے بہت سے اقدامات کیے ہیں۔ پنجاب بیت المال کے ذریعے حکومت پاکستان نے ان لوگوں کی مدد کے لیے اقدامات کیے ہیں جو چلنے پھرنے سے قاصر ہیں۔ معاونت کا مقصد معذور افراد کی زندگیوں میں مدد کے ذریعے مثبت تبدیلیاں لانا ہے۔ پاکستان کی تاریخ میں پہلی بار معذور افراد کے لیے بڑی رقم کی صورت میں مدد کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے۔
پنجاب بیت المال کی جانب سے اعلان کیا گیا ہے کہ معذور افراد کو سالانہ 30 ہزار امداد فراہم کی جائے گی۔ جس خاندان میں دو یا دو سے زائد معذور افراد ہوں انہیں 60 ہزار روپے سالانہ فراہم کیے جائیں گے۔ اس کے علاوہ انہیں وہیل چیئرز، سفید چھڑی اور مصنوعی اعضاء سمیت امدادی سامان بھی فراہم کیا جائے گا۔
پنجاب بیت المال کے اس پروگرام کا مقصد معذور افراد کو پرسکون اور بااختیار زندگی گزارنے میں مدد کرنا ہے۔
معذور افراد کو مالی امداد فراہم کرکے معاشرے میں باوقار زندگی گزارنے میں مدد کرنا۔
انہیں علاج معالجے کی تمام سہولیات تک آسان رسائی فراہم کرنا، اور انہیں احساس کمتری سے بچانا۔
ضرورت پڑنے پر انہیں مصنوعی اعضاء فراہم کرنا تاکہ وہ معاشرے میں احساس کمتری کا شکار نہ ہوں اور بہتر زندگی گزار سکیں۔
انہیں روزگار کے مواقع فراہم کرنا تاکہ وہ اپنی صلاحیتوں کو بروئے کار لا کر خود روزگار کما سکیں اور اپنی ضروریات کے لیے دوسروں پر انحصار نہ کریں۔
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Require Documents To Apply
Disabled persons who want to apply to get relief goods and cash from Punjab Baitul-Mal must have the following few documents. Beneficiaries will update their information to enrol in the program, payment will be released after document verification is completed.
- Valid National Identity Card relevant to Punjab,
- Form B in case of under 18 years of age,
- Disability Certificate,
- Mother’s Identity Card,
- contact number,
- Two photographs showing disability
- Disability Certificate issued by the Social Welfare Department
- Medical report
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How to Apply for Assistance
Persons with disabilities can apply to Punjab Baitul Mal if they want to get relief materials and cash.
- First of all, visit the official website of Punjab Baitul Mal.
- Download and print the application form from here.
- Fill out the application form with all your required documents.
- After entering the applicant’s name, parentage, national identity card number, complete current address, contact number, and number of disabled persons in the family, fill out the application form.
- Submit the application form along with all the valid required documents to the District Office of Baitul-Mal.
- Don’t forget to take your application number from the help desk, as this application number will help the app track the status of your application.
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Objectives of the Program
- This program of Punjab Baitul Mal aims to help disabled people lead calm and empowered lives.
- Help them as their arm by providing them with the necessary supplies.
- To help disabled people to lead a dignified life in society by providing financial assistance.
- To provide them with easy access to all treatment facilities, and to protect them from the feeling of neediness.
- Providing them with artificial organs if necessary so that they do not feel inferior in society and can lead a better life.
- To provide them with employment opportunities so that they can earn self-employment by using their skills and not depend on others for their needs.
- The objective of this program is to serve the poor people.