Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
    Also, Use the Pakistan Citizen Portal for BISP Complaints

    Also, Use the Pakistan Citizen Portal for BISP Complaints

    The Pakistan Citizen Portal is an online platform developed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. This platform facilitates communication between citizens and the government. It plays an important role in the redressal of public grievances related to the government.

    It acts as a central portal for citizens to register their grievances. This portal is also used to give feedback after resolving complaints. If you don’t know how to use this portal, you can also get help from government officials.

    The Pakistan Citizen Portal connects all government institutions at the federal and provincial levels. It is the best means of conveying complaints to their respective offices across Pakistan. Citizen feedback provides details about the officer’s performance and promotion.

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    Download And Log in To The Pakistan Citizen Portal

    Using the Pakistan Citizen Portal is very easy. You have to download it before using it. You must have an email account to download it. After creating your Gmail account, you will go to the Pakistan Citizen Portal website. To log in, please enter your registered email address and password. After logging in you will be using this portal to register your complaints.

    How To Use The Pakistan Citizen Portal

    When you log into the Pakistan Citizen Portal, it is saved to you in the form of an app. After logging in, you will click on the complaints tab. Enter your National Identity Card number and submit your complaint in the search bar on the complaint page. If your complaint is valid, it will be acted upon. After solving your complaint, you will be able to give your feedback on this portal.

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    پاکستان سٹیزن پورٹل

    اگر آپ پاکستان سٹیزن پورٹل میں اپنی شکایات درج کرنے کے بعد کسی بھی وجہ سے اپنی شکایت واپس لینا چاہتے ہیں۔ تو یہ بھی اس پورٹل کے ذریعے ممکن ہے۔ پاکستان سٹیزن پورٹل کے شکایت سیکشن میں جائیں اور اپنی شکایت کھولیں اور واپس لینے کے بٹن پر کلک کریں۔ آپ کی اطلاع افسر کو جائے گی کہ آپ شکایت واپس لینا چاہتے ہیں۔

    آپ افسر کو شکایت کی وجہ بتائیں گے اور آپ اسے سسٹم سے کیوں خارج کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ ایک سے زیادہ وجوہات دے سکتے ہیں۔ واپس لینے کے بٹن کو دبانے کے بعد، آپ “ہاں” پر کلک کریں گے، پھر آپ کی شکایت آپ کی سکرین پر کھل جائے گی۔

    جس میں آپ کو کچھ تفصیلات شامل کرنا ہوں گی، اس کے بعد آپ Reason Select کے بٹن پر کلک کریں گے۔ شکایات واپس آنے کی کئی وجوہات ہو سکتی ہیں۔ آپ افسر کے دباؤ میں ہیں، آپ کی شکایات غلط ثابت ہوئی ہیں، یا آپ خاندانی دباؤ میں ہیں، یا آپ خود کو فارغ کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ اپنے ریمارکس بھی لکھ سکتے ہیں اور اس کے بعد آپ سبمٹ بٹن پر کلک کریں گے۔ آپ کی شکایت واپس کرنے کی درخواست افسر کے پاس جائے گی اور آپ کی شکایت چند لمحوں میں سسٹم سے ہٹا دی جائے گی۔

    Who Can Use The Pakistan Citizen Portal

    All Pakistani citizens, regardless of caste, religion, color, race, age, or gender, can register themselves on this portal. There is no age, color, or race limit to use it. Overseas Pakistanis can also use this portal. People residing outside Pakistan whether inside Pakistan or abroad can use this portal.

    Non-Pakistanis cannot use it. Foreign nationals can acquire citizenship in Pakistan after living in Pakistan for at least five years and showing proficiency in the national language. And can use this portal.

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    Pakistan Citizen Portal App

    The Pakistan Citizen Portal App is efficient. “You can download it on your smartphone and start using it.”If you have any problem with government institutions, you can use the citizen portal to solve it.

    This app is an excellent resource to register your complaints related to any department or institution in Pakistan. Pakistan Citizen Portal is a great app through which the names of the complainants are kept confidential. Complaints are dealt with promptly.

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    Withdraw Complain

    If you want to withdraw your complaint for any reason after registering your complaints in Pakistan Citizen Portal. So this is also possible through this portal. Go to the complaint section of the Pakistan Citizen Portal open your complaint and click on the Withdraw button.

    Your notification will go to the officer that you want to withdraw the complaint. You will tell the officer the reason for the complaint and why you want to exclude him from the system. You can give more than one reason. After pressing the Withdraw button, you will click “Yes”, then your complaint will be opened on your screen.

    In which you will have to add some details, after that you will click on the button of Up Reason Select. There can be several reasons for returning complaints. You are under pressure from the officer, your complaints have been proved false, or you are under family pressure, or you want to discharge yourself.

    You can also write your remarks and after that, you will click on the submit button. Your request to return your complaint will go to the officer and your complaint will be removed from the system in a few moments.